Astronomy Magazine
2024, Generative Identity Design
A dynamic logo design that mirrors planetary movements for a magazine reporting on all things space.
An annually evolving logo is at the heart of this brand framework, abstracting planetary movements across the Milky Way galaxy.
Role → End-to-end design and development
Advised by → Talia Cotton, Andrew LecLair
Digital Experience → Logo Generator
[what] How can we capture the constantly evolving nature of the cosmos for a periodical devoted to the same?
[who] This was conceptualized for Astronomy readers, giving them the opportunity to engage with their favorite periodical in a collaborative manner.
[how] I used the occasion of Astronomy’s 50th anniversary to not only create 50 logos but also a limited edition campaign.
[why] I applied a visually engaging format that is adaptable across mediums, which was more accessible than an otherwise static dataset, especially for non-astrophiles.