50 Years of Astronomy

50 Years of Astronomy

Astronomy Magazine

2024, Generative Identity Design

A dynamic logo design that mirrors planetary movements for a magazine reporting on all things space.

The 9 letters in Astronomy’s logo correspond to the 9 heavenly bodies in our solar system.
The 9 letters in Astronomy’s logo correspond to the 9 heavenly bodies in our solar system. As they move over time, so do the letters.

An annually evolving logo is at the heart of this brand framework, abstracting planetary movements across the Milky Way galaxy.

Role → End-to-end design and development

Advised by → Talia Cotton, Andrew LecLair

Digital Experience Logo Generator


[what] How can we capture the constantly evolving nature of the cosmos for a periodical devoted to the same?

[who] This was conceptualized for Astronomy readers, giving them the opportunity to engage with their favorite periodical in a collaborative manner.

[how] I used the occasion of Astronomy’s 50th anniversary to not only create 50 logos but also a limited edition campaign.

[why] I applied a visually engaging format that is adaptable across mediums, which was more accessible than an otherwise static dataset, especially for non-astrophiles.

50 logo variations were generated, one for every year Astronomy Magazine has existed from 1973 to 2023.

Planet coordinates for were all measured from the same location—University of Wisconsin Stevens Point—where Steve Walther launched the Periodical.

Astronomy’s constantly evolving style set the precedent to redesign its most iconic issues for a 50th anniversary re-release.
Astronomy’s constantly evolving style set the precedent to redesign its most iconic issues for a 50th anniversary re-release.
Concept iterations
Concept iterations
Sample dataset pulled from AstronomyAPI
Sample dataset pulled from AstronomyAPI