Virtual Creative Coding Fest
2024, Generative Identity Design
A flexible visual system and custom tool for Creative Coding Fest 2024
Channeling open-source processes, the visual language embodies Processing’s and CC Fest’s shared goal of creative code literacy for all.
Role → Concept, interactive, motion, graphic design
Client → Processing Foundation
Digital Experience → Generator Tool
CC Fest is a free and friendly event promoting software learning within the arts and artistic learning within technology-related fields.
As a sub-sect of The Processing Foundation, CC Fest hosts workshops and talks about open-source tools, made accessible especially for students and teachers.
The kinetic identity was born out of primitive shapes—a fundamental concept taught in creative coding classes.
Centering the event’s art and code duality, the campaign graphics seeks to demystify their lowest common denominator—math—for a beginner audience.
[the interface]
I developed a generator that created countless yet cohesive variations of primitives for rapid deployment during production.
[the math in design]
Governed by the polar-coordinate system, a bespoke algorithm adds and removes vertices in real time to create a line, a circle, and every polygon in between.
[components → assets]
Graphics created with the generator formed the components for a wider set of assets, each symbolizing the merging of dualities.
[assets → applications]
As a virtual event, the campaign was optimized for a largely digital presence where most of the creative coding community lives and learns.
[open-source process]
The typeface was chosen for its resonance with Processing’s accessibility pledge, with its contrasting forms testing well across reading abilities.
[parent and child]
The polygons specifically created for the fest are a nod to the shapes in its parent organization’s modular logo.
This project was modeled after Dan Shiffman’s tutorial detailing how shapes are created by manipulating the vertices on a circular path.