A Love Letter from NYC
2023, Custom Generator tool
A collection of generative postcard designs inspired by New York City’s quintessential soundscapes
'Love Letter from NYC', is a love letter to NYC and its invisible signifier—the quintessential sounds. Featuring audio-reactive type as the central motif, this series of "talking postcards" connects the city's humdrum to people they're addressed to.
Recognition → Winner, Society of Typographic Arts (STA 100)
Talk → Chinatown.js, Typelab, Type Thursday NYC
Impact → Over 100 postcards created and counting…
Digital Experience → Postcard Generator
There is no shortage of postcard concepts that embody the big apple. What could be revealed in this new series that isn’t already on the stands of Times Square’s souvenir shops? While the city’s skylines, landmarks, and people often get the job done, there is an opportunity to reveal the city’s not-as-obvious key signifier—its soundscape.
The Postcard Generator accepts 4 inputs used as data points to create the final snapshot.
- The initials of the receiver
- The soundscape including subway turnstile dings, transit announcement, crowded streets, sirens, and street performances.
- Degree of noise that is mapped to the text. However, people can control the degree of quiet or chaos by selecting from 4 modes that go from least to most chaotic.
- A color picked out of 8 in the MTA Subway’s iconic palette.